Among the young generation of rising collectors, the art collection is no longer just a personal investment method/financial product. It's a way of the definition of life. The market is full of companies that sell art, but there are no companies that provide follow-up collection services for customers. What is the reason to collect the artwork? How can the artwork fit into my life? Who else has the same artistic interests as me? Can artists cooperate with the real estate market to provide art appreciation for the public? Those are the main questions that if Art will address. if Art can provide customers with multi-faceted art and life integration services, so that art is no longer an item in the basement collection, but a part of the lifestyle. And present services in the form of online websites and apps, as well as offline fusion space. In the service embodiment of the integration of art and life, if Art will realize the offline entity "art buyer's shop" as a venue for member activities at the same time. Artworks come from art galleries around the world. If Art will develop the Asian buyer market for oversea galleries and accumulate customer groups.
Nowadays, fusion space had become a popular way for the young generation to communicate. Using art as a medium, the space creates social connections with people who have the same interests or lifestyles. In terms of market operation, it is divided into 4 directions: Traditional Art Advisory Services; Post-sale Art and Life Services; Gallery and Artist Services; Art Commercial Service; etc
if Art will change the way collectors treat artworks, and will no longer only provide pre-sales services like existing companies in the market, or the decentralized business of various companies. Instead, it will combine and package the business related to lifestyle, and provide customers with continuous services after the post-sale.